Has,Have,Had,and Having को कहाँ use करते है , confusion है 🥴🥴🥴
कोई बात नही ! आज के लेख ” Uses of Has,Have,Had,and Having with examples ” पढ़ने के बाद आपकी समस्या का समाधान आपको मिल जाएगा ।

आज के इस लेख में आप uses of has ,have , had , having के सभी प्रयोग के बारे में बहुत कुछ सीखेंगे।
Uses of has and have in English Grammar
Simple sentence = To possess ,To have brother, sister , friends ,To be within
First use of has / have /had (पास होना , भाई/बहन/दोस्त आदि होना या में होना/के अन्दर होना )
ऐसे वाक्यों को दो तरीके से बोल सकते है जैसे कि : –
उसके पास किताब है।
He has a book. / He is having a book.
Note : –
present tense का वाक्य हो तो is/am/are का प्रयोग having के साथ होगा यदि past tense का वाक्य हो तो was / were का प्रयोग having के साथ होगा ।
उसके पास कुछ नहीं है।
He has nothing./ He is having nothing.
हर मोबाइल में अच्छे features होता है।
Every mobile has good features. / Every mobile is having good features .
उसके पास एक जवाब था
He had an answer. / He was having an answer.
मेरे दोस्त के पास दो पेंसिल हैं।
My friend has two pencils. / My friend is having two friends.
उस कमरे में चार खिड़कियाँ हैं।
That room has four windows ./ That room is having four windows .
सप्ताह में एक दिन छुट्टी होती है.
A week has one day off. / A week is having one day off.
मेरे पास अगले साल मंहगी Scooty होगी।
I will have an expensive Scooty next year / I will be having an expensive Scooty next year
Note : –
future tense में will have को will be having में change करेगें
उसके पास मेरा mobile अभी होगा।
He would have my mobile right now. / He would be having my mobile right now.
जब कोई कार्य लंबे समय से चल रहा होता है तो उसके साथ हम since/for का प्रयोग करते है और जिन वाक्यों के साथ हम V3 का प्रयोग करते हैं उसमें ‘Having’ लगाकर sentences नहीं तैयार किया जा सकता ।
Note : इन वाक्यों में आप Having का प्रयोग नहीं कर सकते ।
उदाहरण –
मैं खाना खा चुकी हूँ।
I have eaten the food. (Right)
I am having eaten the food (wrong)
He has sung the song.✅
I have applied a job in that company .✅
You have made a mistake.✅
Best Spoken English Books 📚📚📚
Have (As a main verb) – खाना / पीना / लेना (Eat / Drink / Take)
मैं अनार खा रहा हूँ।
I am eating pomegranate./I am having pomegranate. /I am taking pomegranate.
राहुल जूस पी रहा है ।
Rahul is drinking juice./Rahul is having juice./Rahul is taking juice
वह सबका खाना खा चुका हूँ।
He has eaten everyone’s food. /He has had everyone’s food
मै मेडिसन खा चुकी हूँ।
I have taken medicine. /I have had medicine.
मैंने पाँच ग्लास पानी पिया।
I drank five glasses of water./I had five glasses of water .
मैंने उसे खाना खाते हुए नहीं देखा
I didn’t see him to eat the food ./I didn’t see him to have the food .
माँ अपनी दवाईयाँ समय पे ले चुकी है।
Mother has taken her medicines on time. /Mother has had her medicines on time
Uses of Having with Modal Verbs .
Modal Verbs के साथ Having का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है ।
मुझे रोज खाना बनाना पड़ता है ।
I have to cook the food daily / I am having to cook the food daily.
उसे स्टेज पर perform करना पड़ता है।
He has to perform on the stage. / He is having to perform on the stage.
उसे रोज़ मेरे लिए यह गाना गाना पड़ता था।
He had to sing this song for me every day. / He was having to sing this song for me every day
मुझे उसके साथ कपड़े धुने पड़ रहा है।
I am having to wash the clothes with her.
मुझे उसका बिल देना पड़ेगा ।
I will have to pay his bill. / I will be having to pay his bill .
मुझे उसकी निंदा करनी पड़ती ।
I would have have to condemn him. / I would be having to have to condemn him.
उसके पास मेरा नंबर होना चाहिए।
He should have my number. / He should be having my number.
आपके पास खुद की गाड़ी ज़रूर होना चाहिए।
You must have your own car. / You must be having your own car.
उसके पास मेरा समान हो सकता था
He could have my stuff. / He could be having my stuff .
Note : –
Modal Verbs के साथ V3 इस्तेमाल किया जाता है उन वाक्य में आप having का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते हैं ।
उसे मुझे बात बता देनी चाहिए थी।
He should have told me the matter. (write)
He should be having told me the matter. (wrong )
Use of ” having ” in sentence / having + verb 3 examples
Having + V3
कोई काम करने के बाद ( Koi kaam karne ke baad)
तुमसे मिलने के बाद, मैंने काम करना शुरू कर दिया
Note : -इस तरह के सेंटेंस को दो तरीके से बनाया जा सकता है पहला तरीका , जिसका स्ट्रक्चर होगा
First method 👇👇
Structure :After + v4 +object + subject + V2 + other objects
After meeting you, I started working.
Second Method 👇👇
Structure : Having +V3 + object + subject + V2 + other objects
Having met him, I started working .
फिल्म देखने के बाद, मुझे एक आईडिया सुजा ।
After watching the movie, I got an idea. /
Having watched the film, I got an idea.
इस किताब को पढ़ने के बाद, मैं एक निर्णय ले पाया
After reading this book, I was able to make a decision./
Having read this book, I was able to make a decision.
Use of ” having ” in english grammar with examples
Having +V3 (किसी काम को किये हुए )
किताब पढ़े को 2 साल हो गए हैं ।
इस तरह के सेंटेंस को दो तरीके से बनाया जा सकता है पहला तरीका , जिसका स्ट्रक्चर होगा
First method 👇👇
Structure : It has been + time + since + subject + V2 + other objects
It has been 2 years since I read the book.
Second Method 👇👇
It has been + time + having + V3 + other objects/
It has been 2 years having read the book.
उससे बात किए हुए कई दिन हो गए हैं ।
It has been many days since I talked to him. /It has been many days having talked to him.
उसके घर गए हुए मुझे एक हफ्ता हो गया है ।
It has been a week since I went to his home./It’s been a week having gone to his house.
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Apni Vocabulary Ko Badhayein: Wh – Ever Sentences Ka Istemal Seekhein!
Daily use verbs in English with hindi meaningHave= Be having
ये कहा जाता है कि उसके पास बहुत सारी किताबें हैं ।
( ऐसे वाक्यों को 4 तरीकों से कहा जा सकता है )
- It is said that he has a lots of books /
- It is said that he is having a lots of books/
- He is said to have lots of books./
- He is said to be having lots of books.
ये कहा जाता है कि उसके पास खुद के कमाए हुए बहुत सारे पैसे हैं ।
It is said that he has a lot of self-earned money./It is said that he is having a lot of self-earned money /He is said to have a lot of self-earned money./He is said to be having a lot of self-earned money.
ये कहा जाता था कि उसके पास बहुत सारी किताबें थी
- It was said that he had lots of books.
- It was said that he was having a lots of books .
- He was said to have a lots of books.
- He was said to be having a lots of books .
ये कहा जाता था कि उसके पास खुद के कमाए हुए बहुत सारे पैसे हैं ।
- It was said that he was having a lot of self-earned money /
- It was said that he had a lot of self-earned money./
- It was said that he was having a lot of self-earned money /
- He was said to have a lot of self-earned money./
- He was said to be having a lot of self-earned money.
ये उम्मीद की जाती है कि आपका आपकी family पर पूरा ध्यान है।
- It is expected that you are having full attention on your family./
- It is expected that you have full attention on your family./
- You are expected to have full attention on your family./
- You are expected to be having attention on your family./
आशा है कि सभी व्यक्तियों ने अपनी-अपनी राय दी होगी।
- It is expected that all the persons are having to given their own opinion /
- It is expected that all the persons have given their own opinion./
- All the persons are expected to have given their own opinion./
- All the persons are expected to be having given their own opinion.
ये माना जाता है कि उसके पास आलीशान घर है ।
- It is believed that he has a luxurious house /
- It is believed that he is having a luxurious house./
- He is believed to have a luxurious house/
- He is believed to be having a luxurious house .
Have = for having
To have को For having में बदलना के कुछ नियम होते हैं उदाहरण के माध्यम से आपको समझ आ जाएगा ।
मैं खुश हूँ कि मेरे जींदगी में आप हैं।
- I am happy that I have you in my life. /
- I am happy to have you in my life./
- I am happy for having you in my life.
सार्थक निराश है कि उसके पास एक अच्छी car नहीं है।
- Sarthak is disappointed that he does not have a good car./
- Sarthak is disappointed not to have a good car./
- Sarthak is disappointed not to having a good car .
मैं भाग्यशाली हूँ कि मेरे पास आप जैसे अच्छे माता – पिता हैं।
- I am lucky that I have a good parents like you./
- I am lucky to have a good parents like you./
- I am lucky for having a good parents like you.
वह भाग्यशाली हैं कि उन्होंने अपना कारोबार पूरी दुनिया में फैलाया है ।
- He is fortunate that he has expanded his business all over the world.
- He is fortunate to have expanded his business all over the world./
- He is fortunate for having expanded his business all over the world.
वह दुखी था कि उसने सुनहरा मौका अपने हाथ से गवा दिया ।
- He was sad that he had missed the golden opportunity./
- He was sad to have missed the golden opportunity . /
- He was sad for having missed the golden opportunity .
हम खुश थे कि हमने दूसरे लोगों की मदद की थी ।
- We were happy that we had helped other people./
- We were happy to have helped other people./
- We were happy for having helped other people.
Uses of have been in hindi
have been का प्रयोग तब भी किया जाता है जब व्यक्ति को यह बताना हो कि कोई जगह से वहां रहकर आ गया है ।
दीपा पांच बार पुरी जा चुकी है ।
Deepa has been to Puri five times. /Deepa has gone to Puri five times.
Seema or reema शिमला में पाँच साल रह चुके हैं।
Seema or reema have been in Delhi for five years./
Seema or reema have lived in Shimla for 5 years.
Use of having said that in sentence
Having said that – इसके बावजूद
,लेकिन फिर भी
Having said that की जगह आप इन शब्दों का प्रयोग कर सकते है ।
(Despite this,Despite that,But still, however,even then ,then also )
वह अच्छा लिखता है लेकिन फिर भी उसका असली टैलेंट अभी बाहर आना बाकी है
He writes very well .Having said that his real talent is yet to come.
मैं 12 साल से उड़ीसा में रह रही हूं इसके बावजूद मुझे उड़िया भाषा बोलनी नहीं आती ।
I have been living in Orissa for 12 years . Having said that I do not know how to speak Oriya language.
दोस्तों हमें यह मालूम है कि state of being के लिए हम is/am/are का प्रयोग कहइसते हैं जैसे की :-
मै घर पर हूँ।
I am at home.
जब हमें यह जताना हो कि कोई सुबह से घर पर है या मैं 2 घंटे से घर में हूं ऐसे वाक्यों को बनाने के लिए has been/have been /had been
का प्रयोग किया जाता है ।
मैं सुबह से घर पर हूं ।
I have been at home since morning.
राहूल 2 घंटे से घर पर था।
Rahul had been at home for two hours.
मरीज 5 घंटे से डॉक्टर का इंतजार कर रहा था ।
The patient had been waiting for the doctor for 5 hours.
मैं 5 दिन से यह किताब पढ़ रही हूं ।
I have been reading this book for 5 days.
उम्मीद है आपके यहां लेख “Uses of Has,Have,Had,and Having with examples “की जानकारी पसंद आई होगी ।
कृपया इस पोस्ट को उन लोगों के साथ शेयर करना बिल्कुल ना भूल जो अपने spoken English skill को बढ़ाना चाहते हैं ।
अपना कीमती समय देने के लिए आपका तहे दिल से शुक्रिया 🙏😊💕💕
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