इस लेख “Active Passive Voice Rules in hindi with examples के जरिए आपको Active Passive Voice अच्छे से समझ आ जाएगा ।
Active-Passive Voice समझना मुश्किल कार्य नही है लेकिन दोस्तों इसके लिए Tense आना जरूरी है ।
Rules to Convert Active Voice into Passive Voice (What are the rules of active and passive voice? )
- 1 Rules to Convert Active Voice into Passive Voice (What are the rules of active and passive voice? )
- 2 Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense
- 3 What is an example of active and passive voice in present continuous?
- 4 What are the 10 examples of active voice in the present continuous?
- 5 What are the 10 examples of Passive voice in the present continuous?
- 6 What are the 10 examples of Active voice in the present perfect?
- 7 What are the 10 examples of Active voice in the present perfect?
- 8 Active Voice of Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- 9 Passive Voice of Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- 10 Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense
- 11 Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense
- 12 Passive Voice of Past Perfect Tense
- 13 💞Passive Voice of Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- 14 💞Active Passive Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- 15 Passive Voice of Future Indefinite Tense in Hindi
- 16 💕Passive Voice of Future Continuous Tense in Hindi
- 17 💕Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense in Hindi
- 18 Passive Voice of Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi
- 19 Author
🫣🫣🫣कुछ नियमों पर ध्यान रखो और झटपट active voice से passive voice में बदलों ।
Rule No. 1
- active voice to passive voice मे बदलने के लिए subject को object से बदलना पड़ता है।
Example: Simran Sings a song (Active Voice)
A Song is Sung by Simran. (Passive Voice)
Rule No. 2
- active voice से passive voice के लिए subject से पहले ‘by’ use करे ।
Example: Seema is having an ice cream
An ice cream is being had by Seema. (Passive Voice)
Note : Have का V3 – “ Had ” होता है
Rule No. 3
- active voice से passive voice मे बदलने के लिए main verb की 3rd form का इस्तेमाल होगा ।
Example: Raju tells the truth . (Active Voice)
The truth is told by Raju . (Passive Voice)
Rule No. 4
- active voice से passive voice में बदलते समय जसरी नही है कि ‘by’ का ही use हो,‘to’, ‘at’, and ‘with’ का भी use हो सकता है ।
Examples : seema knows him. (Active Voice)
He is known to Seema. (Passive Voice)
Rule No. 5
active voice से passive voice मे बदलते समय यदि object न हो तो passive voice इस तरह से बनेगें ।
Example: Sarthak comes. (Active Voice)
Sarthak is come. (Passive Voice)
Rule No. 6
- active voice से passive voice में बदलते यदि वाक्य का मतलब निकल रहा है तो Subject को include करता जरूरी नही है।
Examples :Transgender is not always respected as equals. (Passive Voice)
Rule No. 7
- जब वाक्य में direct और indirect object दोनो मौजूद हो तब indirect object का use , Subject के Place में किया जाता है।
Example: Rahul teaches Seema dancing. (Active Voice)
Seema was taught dancing by Rahul. (Passive Voice)
Active Passive voice chart

Present Indefinite Tense का वाक्य बनाते समय हम सब जानते हैं कि वाक्य के अंत में ता , ती , ते आता है जैसे की वह लिखती है ,तुम पढ़ते हो , वे कार्य करते हैं ।
इन वाक्यों को पैसिव वॉइस में बदलने के लिए हम आपको स्ट्रक्चर बताएंगे जिसके जरिए आप पैसिव वॉइस आसानी से बना पाएंगे ।
Structure:Subject+is/are/am+past participle of the main verb+(by + agent)
Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense
Active voice: The chef cooks delicious meals.
(रसोइया स्वादिष्ट भोजन पकाता है।)
Passive voice:Delicious meals are cooked by the chef.
रसोइया द्वारा स्वादिष्ट भोजन पकाया जाता है
Passive: Delicious meals are cooked.
स्वादिष्ट भोजन पकाया जाता है ।
Note : एक्टिव वॉइस में ज्यादा हम कर्ता को महत्व देते हैं लेकिन पैसिव वॉइस में वाक्य के उस बात पर जोर दिया जाता है जो अधिक बल दे रही है जैसे की “स्वादिष्ट भोजन पकाया जाता है ”जब आपको कार्य को कौन कर रहा है यह ना बताना हो तो आप पैसिव वॉइस का चुनाव कर सकते हैं ।
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आज होगा कन्फ्यूजन का अंत : Uses of Has,Have,Had,and Having with examples
20 Useful Expressions For Speaking English
What is an example of active and passive voice in simple present?
अभ्यास में इतनी शक्ति होती है कि difficult topic भी easy बन जाता है इसलिए ज्यादा से ज्यादा अभ्यास कर अपने पकड़ active और passive voice में बना ले ।
What are the 10 examples of active voice?
- She writes a letter every day.
- They play football on weekends.
- The teacher explains the lesson to the students.
- I drink a cup of coffee in the morning.
- The company produces high-quality products.
- We eat dinner at 7 PM.
- He teaches English at the language school.
- Birds sing melodious songs in the trees.
- The gardener plants colorful flowers.
- The students study physics.
- The workers build a new bridge.
- The author writes interesting novels.
Passive Voice: (What are the 10 examples of a passive voice? )
- A letter is written by her every day.
- Football is played by them on weekends.
- The lesson is explained to the students by the teacher.
- A cup of coffee is drunk by me in the morning.
- High-quality products are produced by the company.
- Dinner is eaten by us at 7 PM.
- English is taught by him at the language school.
- Melodious songs are sung in the trees by birds .
- Colorful flowers are planted by the gardener.
- Physics is studied by the students.
- A new bridge is built by the workers./A new bridge is built.
- Interesting novels are written by the author.
कान्सेप्ट आप समझेंगे तो आप देखेंगे कि कर्ता को पैसिव वॉइस में शामिल न करने से भी कोई दिक्कत नहीं होती है ।
Example : A new bridge is built by the workers./A new bridge is built.
अब देखते है Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense in Hindi
Present Continuous Tense के वाक्य के अंत में रहा है, रहे है, रही है आता है , इन्हे Passive voice में करने का concept समझते है ।
Structure – Subject (if necessary) + am/is/are being + past participle of the main verb + rest of the sentence
What is an example of active and passive voice in present continuous?
Active Voice: They are planting trees.
Passive Voice: Trees are being planted by them.
Active Voice: The chef is preparing the meal.
Passive Voice: The meal is being prepared by the chef.
Active Voice: I am writing a letter.
Passive Voice: A letter is being written by me.
Active Voice: The students are discussing the project.
Passive Voice: The project is being discussed by the students.
Active Voice: She is teaching English.
Passive Voice: English is being taught by her .
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What are the 10 examples of active voice in the present continuous?
1. Mom is making sandwiches for lunch.
2. The dog is chasing a ball in the park.
3. The kids are watching a movie in the living room.
4. The teacher is writing on the whiteboard.
5. Dad is fixing the leaky faucet in the bathroom.
6. The artist is painting a beautiful sunset.
7. We are cleaning the house for the party.
8. The computer is processing the data.
9. Sarah is reading a book on the couch.
10 .Ram is writing a book .
What are the 10 examples of Passive voice in the present continuous?
1. Sandwiches are being made for lunch by Mom.
2. A ball is being chased by the dog in the park.
3. A movie is being watched by the kids in the living room.
4. The whiteboard is being written on by the teacher.
5. The leaky faucet is being fixed in the bathroom by Dad.
6. A beautiful sunset is being painted by the artist.
7. The house is being cleaned for the party by us.
8. The data is being processed by the computer.
9. A book is being read on the couch by Sarah.
10.A book is being written by Ram.
Note : -passive subject + is/are/am के बाद being जरूर use होगा + V3 + by + object .
Present Perfect Tense की बात करते है , वाक्य के अंत में लिया हूँ, चुका है, चुकी है, चुके हैं, चुका हूँ, चुकी हूँ, दिया है, दिया हूँ, किया है, ली है, दी है, की है आदि शब्द आते है तो वह वाक्य Present Perfect Tense कहलाते है । अब समझते है Present Perfect Tense के Passive voice कैसे बनाते है ।
Structure – Subject (if necessary) + has/have + been + verb 3rd form + by + rest of the sentence
What are the 10 examples of Active voice in the present perfect?
- John has read the book.
- The chef has baked the cake.
- The team has written the report.
- The audience has watched the movie.
- The employees have completed the project.
- The choir has sung the song.
- The courier has delivered the message.
- My sister has driven the car.
- We have finished the work.
- The contractors have painted the house.
- The manager has signed the document.
- Rahul has booked the tickets.
What are the 10 examples of Active voice in the present perfect?
The book has been read by John.
The cake has been baked by the chef.
The report has been written by the team.
The movie has been watched by the audience.
The project has been completed by the employees.
The song has been sung by the choir.
The message has been delivered by the courier.
The car has been driven by my sister.
The work has been finished by us.
The house has been painted by the contractors.
The document has been signed by the manager.
The tickets have been booked by Rahul.
Note : has/have का इस्तेमाल आप सब्जेक्ट को देखकर करेंगे + been + V3 + rest of the subject.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense को Passive Voice में कैसे convert करते है ।
हम जानते है की जिन वाक्यों मे कार्य समाप्त नहीं हुआ बल्कि एक निश्चित समय से चल रहा हैं, वो वाक्य Present Perfect Continuous Tense के वाक्य कहलाते है।
Structure:-Subject +has/have + been + being + verb 3rd form + by + rest of the sentence
Active Voice of Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Rahul has been playing since morning.
They have been writing mails for hours.
I have been teaching him for 2 hours.
They have been watching a movie since afternoon.
I have been studying for the exam all week.
She has been working on the project since morning.
We have been waiting for you at the restaurant.
They have been renovating their house for the past two months.
He has been practicing the piano for hours.
The team has been preparing for the competition for weeks.
Mary and Tom have been travelling around Europe this summer.
The students have been writing essays for their English class.
It has been raining all day, so the streets are wet.
I have been living in this city for ten years.
Sarthak has been renovating the house since April.
They have been learning English for two years.
Seema has been practicing dance since childhood.
Passive Voice of Present Perfect Continuous Tense
The exam has been being studied for all week (by me).
The project has been being worked on since morning (by her).
You have been being waited for at the restaurant (by us).
Their house has been being renovated for the past two months (by them).
The piano has been being practiced for hours (by him).
The competition has been being prepared for for weeks (by the team).
Europe has been being travelling around this summer (by Mary and Tom).
Essays have been being written for the English class (by the students).
The streets have been being wet because of the rain all day.
This city has been being lived in for ten years (by me).
The house has been being renovated since April by Sarthak.
English has been being learned by them for two years.
The dance has been being practiced by her since childhood.
Past Indefinite Tense को Passive Voice में कैसे बनाते है चलिए समझते है ।
Structure:-Subject (receiver of the action)+was/were+past participle of the verb+by + agent (optional)
Passive Voice of Past Indefinite Tense
Active: I visited the museum yesterday.
Passive: The museum was visited by me yesterday.
Active: She finished her homework before dinner.
Passive: Her homework was finished before dinner.
Active: We watched a movie last night.
Passive: A movie was watched by us last night.
Active: He cooked a delicious meal for us.
Passive: A delicious meal was cooked for us by him.
Active: They celebrated their anniversary at a fancy restaurant.
Passive: Their anniversary was celebrated at a fancy restaurant by them.
Active: The team won the championship last year.
Passive: The championship was won by the team last year.
Active: I found a lost wallet on the street.
Passive: A lost wallet was found on the street by me.
Active: She wrote a beautiful poem for her friend.
Passive: A beautiful poem was written for her friend by her.
Active: They built a new bridge across the river.
Passive: A new bridge was built across the river by them.
Active: He broke the window accidentally.
Passive: The window was broken accidentally by him.
Past Continuous Tense के वाक्यो के अंत में रहा था, रहे थे, रही थी आता है हम सब जानते है । अब समझते है Past Continuous Tense का Passive Voice कैसे बनता हैं ।
Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense
Structure:Subject (receiver of the action)+was/were being+past participle of the main verb+by + agent (optional)+rest of the sentence
Active: They were playing football in the park.
Passive: Football was being played in the park by them.
Active: She was writing an email during the meeting.
Passive: An email was being written by her during the meeting.
Active: We were watching TV when the power went out.
Passive: TV was being watched by us when the power went out.
Active: He was fixing the car when it broke down.
Passive: The car was being fixed by him when it broke down.
Active: They were cooking dinner while we were setting the table.
Passive: Dinner was being cooked by them while the table was being set by us.
Active: The children were playing games in the yard.
Passive: Games were being played in the yard by the children.
Active: I was reading a book when the doorbell rang.
Passive: A book was being read by me when the doorbell rang.
Active: She was teaching English at the language school.
Passive: English was being taught by her at the language school.
Active: We were enjoying the concert when it suddenly ended.
Passive: The concert was being enjoyed by us when it suddenly ended.
Past Perfect Tense के वाक्य के अंत में चुका था, चुकी थी, चुके थे, चुके थें, लिया था, लिए थे,ली थी, दिया था, दिए थे, दी थी, गया था, गई थी, गए थे, आदि शब्द आते है।
अब समझते है Passive Voice of Past Perfect Tense in Hindi
Structure : Subject (receiver of the action)+had + been + verb 3rd form + by +agent (optional)+rest of the sentence
Passive Voice of Past Perfect Tense
Active: I had finished my homework before the party started.
Passive: My homework had been finished before the party started by me.
Active: They had already left when we arrived.
Passive: The departure had already occurred when we arrived by them.
Active: She had visited the museum before it closed.
Passive: The museum had been visited by her before it closed.
Active: We had completed the project by the deadline.
Passive: The project had been completed by us by the deadline.
Active: He had repaired the car before it broke down again.
Passive: The car had been repaired by him before it broke down again.
Active: They had eaten dinner before the guests arrived.
Passive: Dinner had been eaten by them before the guests arrived.
Active: I had read the book before the movie adaptation was released.
Passive: The book had been read by me before the movie adaptation was released.
Active: The team had already scored three goals by halftime.
Passive: Three goals had already been scored by the team by halftime.
Active: She had already written the report before the meeting began.
Passive: The report had already been written by her before the meeting began.
Active: We had painted the room before the guests arrived.
Passive: The room had been painted by us before the guests arrived.
💞Passive Voice of Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Continuous के वाक्य वे कार्य होते है जो कार्य समाप्त नहीं हुआ था बल्कि एक निश्चित समय से चल रहा था ।
चलिए समझते है Past Perfect Continuous Tense को Passive voice में कैसे convert करते हैं ।
Structure : Subject (receiver of the action)+had + been + being+ verb 3rd form + by +agent (optional)+rest of the sentence
💞Active Passive Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Active: They had been working on the project all night before the presentation.
Passive: The project had been being worked on by them all night before the presentation.
Active: She had been teaching English for five years before she moved to another country.
Passive: English had been being taught by her for five years before she moved to another country.
Active: We had been waiting for the train for ages when it finally arrived.
Passive: Waiting for the train had been being done by us for ages when it finally arrived.
Active: He had been playing the guitar since morning before the strings broke.
Passive: The guitar had been being played by him since morning before the strings broke.
Active: They had been renovating their house for months before they decided to sell it.
Passive: Their house had been being renovated by them for months before they decided to sell it.
Active: I had been writing a novel before I lost my laptop.
Passive: A novel had been being written by me before I lost my laptop.
Active: The team had been practicing for weeks before the big match.
Passive: Practice had been being done by the team for weeks before the big match.
Active: She had been growing flowers in her garden for years before the storm destroyed them.
Passive: Flowers had been being grown by her in her garden for years before the storm destroyed them.
Active: We had been traveling around the world before the pandemic hit.
Passive: Traveling around the world had been being done by us before the pandemic hit.
Passive Voice of Future Indefinite Tense in Hindi
Future Indefinite Tense वह वाक्य होते है जिसके अंत में गा/गे/गी आता हो ।
चलिए समझते है Future Indefinite Tense को Passive voice में कैसे convert करते हैं ।
Structure : Subject (receiver of the action)+will/shall + be + verb 3rd form + by +agent (optional)+rest of the sentence
Active: I will write a novel.
Passive: A novel will be written by me.
Active: They will build a new bridge.
Passive: A new bridge will be built by them.
Active: She will sing a song at the concert.
Passive: A song will be sung by her at the concert.
Active: We will complete the project by next month.
Passive: The project will be completed by us by next month.
Active: He will teach English to the students.
Passive: English will be taught to the students by him.
Active: They will cook a special dinner for the guests.
Passive: A special dinner will be cooked for the guests by them.
Active: I will finish my work before the deadline.
Passive: My work will be finished by me before the deadline.
Active: The company will launch a new product next year.
Passive: A new product will be launched by the company next year.
Active: She will perform a magic trick on stage.
Passive: A magic trick will be performed by her on stage.
Active: We will celebrate the anniversary with a party.
Passive: The anniversary will be celebrated with a party by us.
Note :ऐक्टिव वॉयस मे will/shall के साथ V1 use करना है । दूसरी ओर पैसिव वॉयस के साथ will/shall + be + V3 + object use करना है ।
💕Passive Voice of Future Continuous Tense in Hindi
जैसा की हम जानते है की Future Continuous Tense मे रहा होगा, रही होगी, रहे होंगे वाले वाक्य आते है।
structure : –
Active: They will be working on the project at this time tomorrow.
Passive: The project will be being worked on by them at this time tomorrow.
Active: She will be teaching a class during the conference.
Passive: A class will be being taught by her during the conference.
Active: We will be celebrating New Year’s Eve with friends.
Passive: New Year’s Eve will be being celebrated with friends by us.
Active: He will be playing the piano at the concert.
Passive: The piano will be being played by him at the concert.
Active: They will be renovating their house throughout the summer.
Passive: Their house will be being renovated throughout the summer by them.
Active: I will be writing a report during the business trip.
Passive: A report will be being written by me during the business trip.
Active: The team will be practicing for the championship match next week.
Passive: Practice will be being done by the team for the championship match next week.
Active: She will be preparing dinner when you come home.
Passive: Dinner will be being prepared by her when you come home.
Active: We will be traveling around the world this time next year.
Passive: Traveling around the world will be being done by us this time next year.
💕Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense in Hindi
जैसा की हम जानते है की Future Perfect Tense मे चुका होगा, चुकी होगी, चुके होंगे, चुका हूँगा, चुकी हूँगी, चुका रहेगा, चुकी रहेगी, चुकूँगा, चुकेगा, चुकेगी, चुकेंगे वाले वाक्य आते है।
अब समझते है Future Perfect Tense का Passive Voice कैसे बनाते हैं ।
Future Perfect Tense के वाक्यों को पैसिव के वाक्यों मे बनाने का नियम होगा:
structure : -Subject (receiver of the action)+will/shall + have + been + verb 3rd form + by + agent (optional)+rest of the sentence
Active: I will have finished my assignment by the time you arrive.
Passive: My assignment will have been finished by me by the time you arrive.
Active: They will have completed the construction of the building by next month.
Passive: The construction of the building will have been completed by them by next month.
Active: She will have sung three songs before the end of the concert.
Passive: Three songs will have been sung by her before the end of the concert.
Active: We will have written the report by the deadline.
Passive: The report will have been written by us by the deadline.
Active: He will have repaired the car by the time you need it.
Passive: The car will have been repaired by him by the time you need it.
Active: They will have decorated the venue before the guests arrive.
Passive: The venue will have been decorated by them before the guests arrive.
Active: I will have read the entire book by the end of the week.
Passive: The entire book will have been read by me by the end of the week.
Active: The team will have won the championship by the final match.
Passive: The championship will have been won by the team by the final match.
Active: She will have painted the entire room by the time you return.
Passive: The entire room will have been painted by her by the time you return.
Active: We will have travelled to five countries by the end of the year.
Passive: Five countries will have been travelled to by us by the end of the year.
Active:Rakesh will have completed the work before the deadline.
Passive :The work will have been completed by rakesh before the deadline .
Active :By the end of the year, I will have bought a new car.
Passive :By the end of the year , a new car will have been bought by me .
Passive Voice of Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi
Future Perfect Continuous Tense के वाक्यों को Passive voice में बदलने का नियम क्या है ?
structure : – Subject (receiver of the action)+will/shall + have + been + being + verb 3rd form + by +
Active: I will have been studying for two hours by the time you call.
Passive: Studying will have been being done by me for two hours by the time you call.
Active: They will have been working on the project for a month by the deadline.
Passive: The project will have been being worked on by them for a month by the deadline.
Active: She will have been teaching English for ten years by the end of next month.
Passive: English will have been being taught by her for ten years by the end of next month.
Active: We will have been building the house for six months by the time it’s finished.
Passive: The house will have been being built by us for six months by the time it’s finished.
Active: He will have been practicing the piano for hours before the concert.
Passive: The piano will have been being practiced by him for hours before the concert.
Active: They will have been renovating their office space for a year by the grand opening.
Passive: Their office space will have been being renovated by them for a year by the grand opening.
Active: I will have been writing the book for a year before it’s published.
Passive: The book will have been being written by me for a year before it’s published.
Active: The team will have been training for the championship for weeks before the final match.
Passive: Training will have been being done by the team for weeks before the final match.
Active: She will have been designing the website for months before the launch.
Passive: The website will have been being designed by her for months before the launch.
Active: We will have been traveling around the world for a year by the time we return.
Passive: Traveling around the world will have been being done by us for a year by the time we return.
Active:My daughter will have been completing the work for six months.
Passive:The work will have been being completed by my daughter for six months.
Active:By the end of the year, father will have been running his own business for two years.
Passive:By the end of the year, Business will have been being run by father for two years.
Note:पैसिव बनाते समय आप will/shall + been + being + V3 + object का स्ट्रक्चर आप याद रखेंगे तभी पर्फेक्ट सेंटेंस बनेगा ।
Q .What is Active Voice and Passive Voice?
Ans.आसान भाषा में समझो जब वाक्य में subject को कार्य से ज्यादा महत्व दिया जा रहा हो तब Active Voice का use करते है लेकिन जब कार्य को subject से ज्यादा महत्व दिया जा रहा हो तब Passive Voice का इस्तेमाल होता है।
Q .Passive Voice समझना क्यों जरूरी है ?
Ans.Passive Voice समझना बहेद जरूर है ,दोस्तों अपने अगर ध्यान दिया हो तो आपने देखा होगा कि जब हम वाक्य को एक्टिव वॉइस में बनाते हैं तो हमारा विशेष ध्यान कर्ता (subject ) की ओर जाता है लेकिन पैसिव वॉइस में वही वाक्य जो कार्य हुआ है उसे पर ध्यान लेकर जा रहा है ना कि कर्ता की ओर ,पैसिव वॉइस का यही एक विशेषता है कि जब व्यक्ति को यहां जताना हो कि कार्य कितना महत्वपूर्ण है तो उस समय अधिकतर पैसिव वॉइस का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है ।
इस लेख “Active Passive Voice Rules in Hindi with Examples ” में आपने Active Passive Voice समझा हैं , उम्मीद है आपको दी गई जानकारी पसंद आई होगी।
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